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Study Shows that Sitting Can Take a Toll on Your Mental Health

This study was taken by an exercise scientist at Kent State University in Ohio. He asked 398 college students about their before in person and then after the pandemic hit. The people who were exercising more before now exercised less and vice versa. Since the human body was built to move, sitting for almost the whole time you have school or college can cause lots of problems. It can increase your risk of chronic disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and depression. The sitting time a day has increased and the exercise time has decreased since the pandemic.

There is another study that shows that mind challenging activities or board games can decrease the risk of mental health problems. Getting up and moving once an hour for a few minutes is very helpful according to an expert.

Source –  https://www.sciencenewsforstudents.org/article/too-much-sitting-could-hurt-mental-health

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